
About corporate information

Earnings & finances


Management & business


Quastions and answers

About corporate information

  • Q.Where does the company name come from?
    A. GungHo means “passionate,” “enthusiastic,” and “dedicated.” This name represents our passionate dedication to our work and our commitment to our corporate duties. Please see the “The Origin of Our Name” section of our website for details.
  • Q.When was the company founded?
    A.The company was founded on July 1, 1998. While at the time we used to provide an Internet auction service, from August 2002 we switched our main business to providing an online gaming service, and now have expanded this into a gaming business centered around smartphones, gaming consoles and PCs. Going forward we aim to not limit ourselves to specific devices (such as consoles or gaming terminals), but to provide games both on a multi-platform and a global level, and so to become a global general entertainment company. Please see the “Corporate History” section of our website for details.
  • Q.What subsidiaries or group companies do you have?
    A.We have developed a Group which leverages the characteristics and synergies of each group company. Please see the “Group Companies” section of our website for details of our subsidiaries and group companies.

Earnings & finances

  • Q.Do you have any management KPIs that you aim for?
    A.Following the rapid establishment and improvement of the Internet environment in recent years, our Group’s business has continued to change and expand rapidly. For this reason, our current understanding as a Group is that a key issue for management is to tackle changes in and the expansion of the market in a flexible manner. We currently prioritize indicators such as the number of users using the services which our Group provides, as business KPIs which support our earnings.
  • Q.What is your paid-in capital?
    A.As at the end of June 2024 our paid-in capital was JPY5.338bn. Please see the “Corporate Overview” section of our website.
  • Q.What are your previous earnings?
    A.Please see the “Financial Results Highlights” section of our website for details of our previous earnings.
  • Q.What is your earnings forecast?
    A.We have developed a content-related business which has a high degree of novelty, and our current policy given factors such as the difficult business environment is not to disclose an earnings forecast for the full business year.
  • Q.What about the earnings forecasts shown in business journals?
    A.We do not disclose earnings forecasts. Figures given in business journals are entirely based on independent research conducted by the publishers of those journals.
  • Q.How are your results briefings held?
    A.We hold briefings every quarter which are aimed at institutional investors and analysts. We publicize the details explained at such briefings and the materials used in the “Results Briefing Materials” section of our website.
  • Q.Where can I find materials such as on your financial results?
    A.Please see the “Financial Results” section of our website for our financial results and results briefing materials, etc. For timely disclosure materials, please see the “Company Announcements Distribution Service” section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s website.


  • Q.What is your securities code?
    A.Our securities code is 3765. Please click here to view today’s share price.
  • Q.When did you go public?
    A.We listed on Hercules on March 9, 2005, we changed to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in September 2015.After that, due to the segment transfer in April 2022, we are currently listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
  • Q.When is the end of your fiscal year?
    A.Our fiscal year ends at the end of December each year.
  • Q.In what units can your shares be traded?
    A.Our shares can be traded in units of 100.
  • Q.What is your policy on distributions?
    A.We recognize that returning profits to shareholders is a key management issue, and will continue to return profits in a way which is commensurate with earnings, while bearing in mind the need to maximize our future corporate value and competitiveness, and to retain earnings internally to strengthen our management structure.
  • Q.Who should I contact to ask questions about your shares?
    A.Please contact the TOKYO SECURITIES TRANSFER AGENT. You can either call 0120-49-7009 (free dial), or see the “Memoranda for Shareholders” section of our website.
  • Q.Do you have a shareholder incentives plan?
    A.We do not currently have a shareholder incentives plan.

Management & business

  • Q.What led you to focus on online games?
    A.We were surprised to observe that in Korea, a developed country in broadband Internet, “online games played using computers are established as a major form of entertainment”. We became convinced that the business model of the entertainment industry would be fundamentally changed by the Internet, and that a new online entertainment industry would be formed. At the same time, we also felt that when broadband Internet became more widespread in Japan in future there would be a business opportunity there also, and so decided to move into the online gaming business.
  • Q.How will you develop your business going forward?
    A.In recent years console games have been moving online, thereby reducing the boundary between them and online games. Furthermore, the features of mobile phones have become more sophisticated, and there is now a large number of smartphones in use which use world-standard operating systems. In the midst of this environment, we will develop our own powerful IP (intellectual property, meaning content such as games), and develop our business into one which is not limited to any specific devices (such as consoles or gaming terminals), but which is multi-platform and global in scope.
  • Q.What does GungHo do?
    A.We have developed a gaming business which is focused on smartphones, console games and PC games. Going forward, we will provide games in a multi-platform, global fashion, without limited ourselves to any specific devices (such as consoles or gaming terminals).
  • Q.What is your policy on M&A?
    A.We have developed a content-related business which has a high degree of novelty. As the content industry is highly volatile, we consider M&A to be an effective method for strengthening our business, and that the respective management approaches of the acquirer and target are also important. Our Group is not dependent on M&A, and considers that there may be times where we deepen co-operative relationships with counterparties who fit with our policy of providing customers with “joy and wonder”, and that this may result in capital alliances being formed.
  • Q.What is your approach to your management system?
    A.Our system is one which the “business decision making and supervisory functions” born by the Board of Directors are kept separate from the “business execution functions”, and the executive directors and executive officers promote the execution of business by each business department. Through this, we endeavor to enhance corporate governance, to swiftly make strategic decisions, and to smoothly execute our business operations.
  • Q.What is your approach to corporate governance?
    A.We recognize that the greatest issue for management is to both strive to maximize a company’s value while ensuring its soundness, in order to form good relationships with all stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, business partners, local communities and employees, and to achieve long-term stable growth. Based on this awareness, we have endeavored to enhance our corporate governance by putting in place a range of measures. Please see the “Corporate Governance” section of our website for details.


  • Q.What are “online games”?
    A.Online games are games which enable you to share your game progression with other people at the same time online. This can sometimes refer simply to games which are provided over the Internet. There are many different kinds of online game, such as games which move an existing game environment online (such as online card games), to computer games which are created entirely online. Please see the “Business” section of our website for details on games made by the GungHo Group.
  • Q.What is “in-game advertising”?
    A.In-game advertising is a method of advertising which features products being advertised inside games. Some incorporate adverts for the product into signs, buildings and vehicles, etc. which feature in the game’s virtual space, and others use the product itself as a game. Because it is easy to replace adverts, one can develop advertising to match the user’s attributes, and this form of advertising is attracting attention as a new form of media.
  • Q.Where should I direct IR-related inquiries?
    A.There is a form on this page where you can enter the details of your inquiry. We will respond to questions which we are able to answer in the order in which they are received.