(As of September 30, 2024)
- Company
Name - GungHo Online Entertainment, Inc.
- Company
- Address
- Pacific Century Place Marunouchi, 1-11-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-6221 Japan MAP
- Established
- July 1, 1998
- Paid-in capital
- 5,338 million yen (As of September 30, 2024)
- Board of Directors and Officers
- President & CEOKazuki Morishita
- DirectorKazuya Sakai
- DirectorYoshinori Kitamura
- DirectorKoji Yoshida
- DirectorAkihiko Ichikawa
- Director(Part-time)Norikazu Oba
- Outside DirectorHidetsugu Onishi
- Outside DirectorKeiji Miyakawa
- Outside DirectorSusumu Tanaka
- Outside DirectorEtsuko Hara
- Full-time AuditorMasato Ochi
- AuditorHiroto Uehara
- AuditorToshiro Kaba
- Corporate OfficerHideyuki Yokoyama
- Corporate OfficerDaisuke Yamamoto
- Corporate OfficerHiromichi Tanaka
- Employees
- Consolidated: 1,475 (Non-consolidated: 449)
- Group Companies
- GAME ARTS Co., Ltd.
Gravity Co., Ltd.
GungHo Online Entertainment America,Inc.
GungHo Online Entertainment Asia Pacific Pte.Ltd.
GungHo Gamania Co., Limited
- Main
Bank - Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
- Main
- Affiliated Organizations
JOGA (Japan Online Game Association)
MCF(Mobile Content Forum)
JeSU (Japan esports Union)
- Outline of Businesses
- Planning, development, operation and distribution of smartphone applications Planning, development and sales of console games Planning, development, operation and distribution of online computer games